Ches’ Clothes Closet


We love soccer, but really we’re passionate about helping people. Whether it’s gear for youth soccer or clothing and basic necessities for the homeless community in Memphis, our goal is to help ensure everyone has what they need.

To help us with this mission, we operate a clothes closet in Ches’ name, located at St. John’s Methodist Church. Ches’ Clothes Closet has been up and running since 2018, and continues to grow monthly in both the amount of donations we receive and the number of people it helps. 

If you’re like us and just want to help where you can, here are a list of things we regularly need:

  • Shoes (all varieties and sizes)

  • Cloth masks

  • Seasonal clothing for all ages

    • Shorts & T-shirts for summer

    • Jackets for fall

    • etc.

  • Backpacks

  • Toiletries

  • Blankets

  • Books (novels)

Ready to help?